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LinkMaster OPC Bridging Software

Product # KWP-LNKMS0-PRD
Service Agreement with LinkMaster
Service Agreement without LinkMaster
LinkMaster provides the means of linking data between OPC Servers, thus acting as a universal bridge for OPC Systems. Additionally, LinkMaster is an OPC and DDE server allowing it to act as a bridge between legacy DDE systems and new OPC enabled applications. Industrial Strength Reliability A few of the industries that rely on LinkMaster include: Aerospace, Automotive, Building Automation, Material Handling, Medical, Power Generation, Primary Metals, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Timber, Utilities.

Programming Knowledge Optional
LinkMaster is a fast and robust Windows application that requires no programming knowledge, simply "Drag and Drop" to create your links. Built-in scaling, user-access manager, error tracking, and write optimization capabilities, provide total control of your data flow and application access.

Control Data Transfers with Link Groups
Link Groups are used to form collections of OPC items that will be moved between OPC servers at a specified rate. Using multiple Link Groups, LinkMaster allows you to control how fast data is transferred from one OPC server to another. By using Link Groups with different update rates you can tailor your data transfers to fit the needs of the application. While one item may need to be sent at high speed, other items in the application may need slower update rates. Link Groups gives you that control. The benefit is reduced network traffic and increased reliability

LinkMaster Manual (PDF)

LinkMaster Features:
  • Built-in Redundancy
  • Fully featured data "bridging"
  • Supports both COM & DCOM
  • OPC1.0.a/2.0 compliant
  • Runs as Windows NT/2000 Service
  • "Drag & Drop" link creation.
  • Error Logging.
  • Supports direct scaling of link item data.
  • LinkMaster's link management system allows you to create a Link database structure that fits the nature of your application.

  • Includes a built in User Manager that allows complete control over what types of functionality each individual user can access.
  • Support for creating Custom Remote Machine references.
  • Includes a stand alone event monitoring application called the EventViewer.
  • OPC Data Access Version 1.0a
  • OPC Data Access Version 2.0
  • DDE Format CF_Text
  • DDE Format AdvancedDDE

OPC Server to OPC Server Bridging
The most common scenario for LinkMaster is to link data between two (or more) OPC Servers. An example might be a customer using RSLinx for connectivity to Allen Bradley PLCs and Kepware's U-CON Protocol Server for connectivity to a checkweigher. In this example the customer wants to easily send scale data to the PLC.

OPC Server within Server bridging
This scenario is commonly used when a customer wants to route data between two PLCs connected to the same server. Using LinkMaster to define the tag data routing can be much easier than creating new ladder logic in your PLCs (especially for legacy systems). An example might be a customer using KEPServerEX to connect to an Allen Bradley ControlLogix PLC as well as a Yokogawa DX Data Recorder.

OPC Server Collector or Gateway

Another interesting application scenario for LinkMaster is to function as a single OPC server which serves data from multiple OPC servers. This approach demonstrates LinkMaster's capability of acting as both a client and server. An example might be when a customer has a single OPC connection available from an OPC client application but multiple OPC servers that they want to acquire data from.

LinkMaster Internal Flow
Server to Server Linking

LinkMaster as a Collector or Gateway

Additional Information and Resources: Related Products:


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